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What is the Pilot?

The EZConnect pilot project will provide regional one seat trips to riders who are ADA certified by Access, BCare or RAMP. This pilot project is not intended for local trips and will not replace the local services. EZConnect pilot project trips must begin in one transit agency service area and end in the service area of another transit agency. An example of an EZConnect pilot project trip is a trip from the Butler County Courthouse (BCare service area) to the VA Medical Center (Access service area). The purpose of this EZConnect pilot project is to test the technology and feasibility of a shared ride regional paratransit services.

Who is eligible to participate?

All EZConnect pilot project participants must be certified as ADA paratransit service eligible and travel within 3/4 of a mile from a Metro, BCRTA or TANK fixed route services.  All participants must be able to use electronic are payment systems and complete surveys to provide feedback on their regional trips.  A one-way trip will be $8 for all participants.

When will it start?

Transportation will begin on May 5th. The service will last at least 6 months (November 30, 2025). Service will run Monday-Friday from 6 a.m.– 6 p.m.



  • The EZConnect Pilot Project allows ADA paratransit service eligible individuals to travel between the BCRTA, Metro, and TANK ADA service areas without the need to transfer services.

  • The EZConnect Pilot Project allows ADA paratransit service eligible individuals to travel between the BCRTA, Metro, and TANK ADA service areas without the need to transfer services.

  • A maximum of 40 people who are currently eligible for ADA paratransit services in the Greater Cincinnati area and have a need to travel across transit service area boundaries will be selected for the pilot project.  Pilot project participants will include passengers from each of the three participating agencies.

    If you would be interested in participating please fill out this survey.

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity and access for persons with disabilities. It requires agencies that provide regular (non-express) fixed route bus service to provide a more accessible ADA paratransit service within 3/4 of a mile and within the operating hours of that regular fixed route service for individuals who are unable to ride the fixed route bus due to a disability. Eligibility is not a medical decision but is based on the applicant’s functional ability to use the fixed route bus.

    For more information or to fill out an ADA application, please visit click here.

  • All participants must be:

    • Certified as ADA eligible for either BCare, Access or Ramp paratransit service 

    • Able to download and utilize the EZConnect app in Apple Store or Google Play

    • Willing to pay through the EZfare app

    • Capable of completing surveys regarding the pilot project service received

    • Traveling to destinations outside of home transit agency ADA boundaries to another participating transit agency ADA boundary

  • Limited funding is available to support the cost of this pilot. Depending on the success of the pilot, transit partners are committed to seeking additional funding.

  • The pilot is scheduled to begin on May 5, 2025.

  • The initial pilot is scheduled to last until October 31, 2025.  Depending on available funding and pilot success, this service may be extended.

  • The pilot service area will include BCare, Access and Ramp paratransit service areas. Origins and destinations must be within ¾ of a mile from an existing current service areas fixed route service. This applies only to regular service and does not include express routes.

  • The pilot service will be available Monday – Friday between 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.

  • The pilot fare will be $8.00 per one way trip. The pilot service will only accept electronic payments through EZfare.

  • Rides can be scheduled by calling EZConnect at 1-855-499-RIDE (7499) or through the EZConnect app

    When making a reservation, please have the following information:

    • Your name or ID number

    • The date you would like to travel

     • The address of both your pickup location and destination

    • The time you need to arrive at your destination

     • The time you need to be picked up for your return trip

    • Whether you will be traveling with a companion and/or personal care attendant

    • Special instructions for the driver

  • The EZConnect Pilot Project allows ADA paratransit service eligible individuals to travel between the BCRTA, Metro, and TANK ADA service areas without the need to transfer services.

  • Butler County Regional Transit Authority (BCRTA), Metro, and Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky (TANK) each provide complementary paratransit services with minimal overlap or duplication of services. This means that if an individual who is dependent on paratransit services needs to travel through two or more counties or across state lines, they will have to call multiple agencies and transfer between multiple paratransit services, each with their own 30-minute pick-up and drop off windows. This process can be confusing and cumbersome.

    This One Seat Ride pilot project seeks to streamline this process by providing paratransit trips between Butler and Hamilton Counties and Northern Kentucky without the need for paratransit passengers to make transfers. This pilot project will test processes and technology to allow individuals to travel between service areas. Pilot project participants will be able to make one phone call and schedule one ride for their multi-county and/or multi-state trip.

  • Reservations are taken Monday through Friday 6:30am to 6:00pm and Weekends/Holidays 8:00am to 5:00pm. Reservations can be made up to seven days in advance and must be scheduled at least two days in advance. Same day reservations are not accepted.

  • A PCA is someone specifically employed or designated to assist you with your travel. Customers who are unable to travel independently should make arrangements to travel with a PCA. PCAs must have the same pick up and drop off location as you.

  • Yes, you can bring your service animal with you.

  • ADA accessible paratransit vehicles will be used for the service. Each pilot service vehicle will have the EZConnect logo on the side, front, and rear for easy recognition.

  • All rides are booked on a first come, first serve basis and availability may be limited during the pilot.

  • Yes, the pilot is a shared ride service. Expect travel to be comparable if riding existing Metro Access service.

  • Yes, you can cancel a trip at anytime but preferably no later than the day before by 5 p.m.

  • Supported by NEORide, the EZConnect project has received over $2 million in federal and state grant funding.

  • During the initial launch, EZConnect will only be available in the current ADA service areas of BCRTA, Metro and TANK.

  • Regional Paratransit Services beyond the pilot have not yet been determined.

  • Please direct your calls related to service feedback or concerns to EZConnect at 1-855-499-RIDE (7499).

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Where can I get more information?

For more information, please visit or call EZConnect at 1-855-499-RIDE (7499).

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